Agile Analytics now support AWS Cloud Watch

Published on November 2021 by Arjan Franzen

Choose AWS Cloud Watch

Configure the details and press ‘test’
Then under ‘SRE & Error Budget’ you can add a feature to a service and configure the cloud watch metrics copied from the Cloud Watch Console

Press ‘create’
here is an example of the code you need to copy from Cloud watch
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
{ "view": "timeSeries", "stacked": true, "region": "eu-west-1", "stat": "Sum", "period": 300, "setPeriodToTimeRange": true, "metrics": [ [ "AWS/ApplicationELB", "HTTPCode_Target_2XX_Count", "TargetGroup", "targetgroup/frontend-prd01/12cf4g4debe" ], [ "...", "targetgroup/frontend-prd01/34344dd784fea737", ".", "." ], [ "...", "targetgroup/core-prd01/b1ee343d2801", ".", "." ] ] }
Once configured you’ll see the error budgets managed for your teams

For more information, please reach out to ZEN Software’s Support.
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