We Are Agile Analytics

Join the community and take back grip on your software development

We are Agile Analytics. We are on a mission to give software development teams actionable insights. Improving business result, engineering engagement and employee experience.

Why? Because decisions made in software development can be done faster and better. Too many decisions are still based on feelings, opinions or authority. And that doesn’t have to be the case!

If you make decisions based on objective, data-driven information, there is no more need for long discussions and endless meetings. This way, there is more time left to write and develop amazing software. With our innovative platform you get unique insights in the different aspects of your software development process. If you truly know how your team is performing, you can make better choices for the future. Less risks, more control, better results.

Modern logo of Západoslovenská energetika

Meet Our Team

Arjan Franzen

Arjan Franzen


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By offering services around Cloud, Lean & Software Development I want companies to be able to measure the effectiveness of their software operation.

Daria Kobets

Daria Kobets

Developer, DevOps

Super Power: Cloud, Terraform, Python, GCP

Rob Rollenberg

Rob Rollenberg


Super Power: Front-end development, Mobile App development

Ilya Grishkov

Ilya Grishkov

Software Engineer

Super Power: Backend Development, Data Engineering, Software Testing

Zoia Baletska

Zoia Baletska

Jr. Developer

Super Power: Front-end development

Our Moments

at the office
ZEN gathering