How to measure Effectiveness of a DevOps Team

Published on 12 April 2023 by Anouar Daoudi

“development productivity painting“ generated by DALLE-2
Do you ever find yourself wondering if your software development team is working as efficiently as possible? Measuring productivity in software development can be daunting, but ensuring your team is working at its full potential is critical. Luckily, we've got you covered. We'll explore concrete ways to measure software development productivity and the various metrics and tools that can be used to do so. Get ready to dive into the world of Agile and SCRUM methodologies, DORA metrics developed by Google, Git merging and branching, machine learning, and project management tools like JIRA. And if that's not enough, we'll introduce you to Agile Analytics - a revolutionary software tool that combines all these metrics into one easy-to-read dashboard for organisations to make data-driven decisions and optimise their software development processes. Don't miss out on this game-changing information!
What are Agile & Scrum?
Agile and SCRUM methodologies are widely used in software development, and they emphasise continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. Organisations can use metrics such as velocity, burn-down charts, and cycle time to measure software development productivity using Agile and SCRUM. Velocity is the rate at which the team completes user stories or tasks, and it is measured in story points or hours. Burn-down charts show the progress of the team over time, and cycle time measures the time it takes to complete a user story or task from start to finish.

What are DORA Metrics?
The DevOps Research and Assessment (or DORA) organisation is a research organization backed by Google that helps organisations improve their software development and delivery processes. DORA's research has identified four key metrics that organisations can use to measure software development productivity: lead time, deployment frequency, mean time to recover (MTTR) and change failure rate (CFR). Lead time measures the time it takes to go from code committed to code successfully deployed. Deployment frequency measures how often code is deployed to production. MTTR measures the time it takes to restore service when a failure occurs, and CFR measures the percentage of changes that result in a failure.

DORA Metrics provided by Agile Analytics
Git Merging and Branching
Merging and branching are critical aspects of software development, and Git (By Linux creator Linus Torvalds) is the most popular version control system that supports merging and branching. Organisations can measure software development productivity by measuring merge frequency and branch age. Merge frequency measures how often code changes are merged, and branch age measures how long branches remain open before merging or closing. Next to these base metrics: Agile Analytics supports the measurement of ‘software stock’: these are the changes and their risk category that are still ‘in progress’ and have yet to be delivered. Like ‘normal’ stock, software stock can be costly if not managed. Agile Analytics provides real-time insight into the current state of your software stock!
Machine Learning
Machine learning is a technology already shaping many industries' future. ML can help your organisations optimize their software development productivity. By analyzing software development data, machine learning algorithms can identify patterns and make predictions about software development outcomes. For example, machine learning algorithms can predict which software development tasks are likely to take longer to complete or are more likely to result in failure.
In this example, Agile Analytics uses machine learning to determine whether a ticket is labelled Feature or Non-feature.

Sprint insights provided by Agile Analytics
Project Management
Project management tools such as JIRA can also help organisations measure and optimize their software development productivity. JIRA provides a range of metrics, such as burndown charts, velocity, and cycle time, that can help teams monitor their progress and identify areas for improvement.
Measuring software development productivity is essential for optimizing software development. Organisations can use a range of metrics and tools such as Agile, SCRUM, DORA, Metrics, DevOps, Merging, branching, GIT, Machine Learning, Project Management, and JIRA to measure and optimize their software development productivity. By using these metrics and tools, organisations can identify areas for improvement and continuously improve their software development processes.
Agile Analytics is a software tool that combines all these metrics into one clear dashboard to help organizations address their data-related challenges. By leveraging Agile Analytics, organizations can improve their ability to make data-driven decisions, increase their agility, and optimize their software development process.
Overall, Agile Analytics is a powerful approach that can help organizations optimize their software development process and improve their data-related decision-making by embracing this methodology.
To learn more about how Agile Analytics works, watch our explainer video below.
Implement DevOps
Implementing DevOps requires linking the support systems to bring the ‘Dev’ to the ‘Ops’ and vice versa.
Find out how to set this up in 30 minutes yourselves.